

Thursday, 18 November 2010

A great way to learn english!!!!!

In the current world to know speaking english is very important. All the most important things, books, magazines and a lot more are written in english. The most relevant scientific information is written in english. English is the universal language. Today to grow in your college career or your work you should be able to speark english. In our country Chile the people know all this thing. So many english course are giving us their services to learn to speak english. These course have different kind of methods to teach English.
I think that English is a lenguaje very basic and limited. But we must learn it. My experience of learning English at university is very good. The use of blogs I think that is a great way to learn English. I enjoy to write about diferent things. So our grammar improvement. We use online traslators to write. This really help us. We have the listening to learn. Its very difficult for me to understand that the people said in these listening. I think that in the way to teach are in general a bad way because there are a better way to teach lenguages.Like the mnemonic. This way teach English the same way we learned our native language. Without translation. Just wathchink and talking. we are taught to think in English. In Chile we spend much time doing English classes from school But we don't learn to speaking English very well. The way to teach it's ineffective. In our school the student speak little English. Is rarely practiced. It's very important to practice to speaking , writting and listening in English to learn it. Such as people learn to speak any language when you go to live in the country we must to learn English. I think that we save time but no money because these courses are very expensive.
To finish I think that in our course of English at the university are on track but still lacking. More hours where only speaking English with person that only speaking english are ( I think) the best way to teach English in the university. Should be more classes per week with more intensity and longer hours per class. I very happy with our english class and hope improve with the time.
See you later !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

A great power with a wonderful future!!!!

If you think that this world is a bad place to live, when you see the news with horror stories but true. If you think that your live have a lot of problems, and sad situations. Perhps illness or family problems. If you think that no one understand you and truly loves you. I tell you that anyone can change everything!!!... I tell you that this friend as well as helps me can help you. His name is Jesus. He cans show you a different world, give you hoppe and support whenever you need it. Jesus is God's son which love you like nobody loved. Before you were born or this world was created our God make a wonderful place that is waiting for us, this place is the heaven where we going to go when we die. In the Heaven there shall be no pain or suffering, evil won't have place in the heaven. But have a problem, the people have forgotten God and have left out of their lives. This doesn't help have allowed. All have sinned , no one who does good, not one said their word.The wages of sin is death. As the devil know that he has been stealing souls to God, helping to turn people away from God. As God is just can't break his rules and death claimed the lives of people for their sinful condition. Then God thinked a way to save mankind, while complying wiht their own rules. He love all of us, then God decided with all his pain sending his own son, Jesus to pay the price for all our sins. So Jesus Died for all the sins. This way all can come to God again.The devil that calls for the souls of all who sin thinmked that he won by killing the son of God, but Jesus rose from the dead!!!!!!!!!!... Now the only problem is that you decide to accept Jesus as your friend, the sacrifice he mader for you and integrate it into your live... He will show you how real lives!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The brain: the box of myths

Doctor Pedro Maldonado talk us about all the myths of the brain, such as size and form of the brain. I know that ourn brain isn't the biggest or the most rare form. In fact the whale's brain is more big than our, and there are many brains similar to ours. Other myth is that our brain work like a computer. The human brain has a lot of kind of responses for a singular stimulus. Exactly totally unpredictable. The human brain works in its entirety. Each part of it coordinated work with another part, and this with other. So we use the 100% of our brain. Also the brain's side left has funtion that the right side hasn't. The male brain hasn't significant differences compared with female brain. We know that our brain has the ability to build his own inner world. I think that the human brain is amazing. We able to imagine things and even feel it even if not actually there. People that his legs were amputated can still feel it. The expert say that the person is his brain. There is where their form what is thoughs, the feelings and personality. All our world is there. And my world itsn't the same than yours. Because my world it is made by my brain. The human brain are still many misteries hidden. but we are learning a little more it each day. I am agree with the doctor says but I think that we are a little more than ours brain, but the brain is one of the part most important of us.