

Friday, 18 June 2010

The mission: Prevention and education

Our task as professional of health is teach to people how they can prevent the sickness, illness, or diseases. So we can improve the timeliness of health care system, because will arrive less patients. For our community its important the education in health care, know about the diseases more prevalent in Chile, and how prevent them. For example about half of all death from heart disease are sudden and unexpected, so there's littl opportunity for treatment. For people at risk of sudden death, prevention is the key.But we, as physical therapist, care about desease than cystic fibrosis, OA, arthritis, respiratory diseases, Guillain Barré syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. If these diseases are complicated the results are disastrous to patients. But we can prevent all these diseases with educations, educational programs implemented in schools. The family may prevent respiratory diseases care promoting hand washing, no clothes to cold days try to stay home when it's raining and immunized. As community level the goverment have a fundamental role. The goverment must promotion programs of prevention, make publicity it's a good initiative. they give a good results in the comunity, because the people are easily influenced by the publicity. We as phyisical therapist must teach to our patients how prevent and give information about diseases. All know that the treatment can be more dangerous than prevent. So the solutios is in our hands!!!!!!


  1. Yes, the prevention is the key!!

    I think that the government must realize serious programs of prevention and not publicty, ba}ecause this takes veracity from him.

    See you !!
